Manage all your leads in one place

With the Enquiry Hub, say goodbye to the days of juggling multiple platforms to track down and respond to leads. Our platform simplifies lead management by bringing everything into a centralised location, making it easier for your team to stay on top of potential sales opportunities.

 Connect all your channels with enquiry hub

Unified Inbox

Bring all your chats into one neat, easy-to-navigate space. That's right, no more juggling between platforms or missing out on potential sales because you didn't see a message in time

And here's the kicker—push notifications! These bad boys make sure you're always in the loop, instantly alerting you to new enquiries. It's like having a sixth sense for sales opportunities

But wait, there's more. The Enquiry Hub isn't just about chatting; it's about teamwork. With its built-in chat functionality, you can throw tasks around like a pro, assigning them directly within conversations. This means your team can coordinate like a well-oiled machine, responding to leads swiftly and boosting your sales process and customer engagement to new heights.

In a nutshell, the Enquiry Hub is here to turbocharge your dealership's lead management, making sure you're always ahead of the game and never missing a beat

With the Enquiry Hub, say goodbye to the days of juggling multiple platforms to track down and respond to leads. Our platform simplifies lead management by bringing everything into a centralised location, making it easier for your team to stay on top of potential sales opportunities.


First Response Time

Prompt and efficient responses to customer inquiries are integral to the success of any dealership. The ability to engage with potential buyers quickly can make all the difference in converting leads into sales

Response Time and Conversions

A 1-minute response time can lead to


more conversions

Consumer Expectations

A 1-minute response time can lead to


82% of consumers expect

responses within 10 minutes

Centralise Leads, Automate Finance, and Optimise Advertising Spend

This first-of-its-kind App Store is not just a collection of tools; it's a bespoke solution that acknowledges and celebrates the independent dealer. It's about levelling the playing field, offering cutting-edge resources that were once the exclusive domain of the big names.

When it comes to technological advancements and digital tools, independents frequently find themselves on the outside looking in, sidelined by solutions that cater primarily to the larger players. That era is now over

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