Drive More Leads with our Dealer Website


Your dealership deserves a high-performance website that's as powerful as it is easy to manage. Our Dealer Storefront Site solution offers just that—seamless integration, lightning-fast performance, and advanced lead conversion capabilities designed specifically for vehicle inventory advertising.

Generate and Convert Leads

Site performance is crucial for Google search rankings. While the average website takes around 8.6 seconds to load on mobile devices, our websites are optimised to load at an impressive speed. Faster load times mean better user experience and higher conversion rates.

Our Dealer Storefront solution is designed to capture and convert leads. Our sites are optimised for lead generation with features like part exchange valuation requests and WhatsApp chats. We track every visitor, button press, and lead form completion with advanced user tracking. All leads generated through your website are forwarded to EnquiryHub and FinanceHub, ensuring a streamlined process for managing and following up with potential customers.

Maximise Conversions with Advanced Tracking

Using vehicle inventory-specific pixels, our advanced tracking capabilities ensure you capture every lead and conversion opportunity. According to Meta, the correct use of conversion tracking can increase sales by up to 13%. Our system is designed to leverage these insights, helping you maximise your marketing efforts.

Site performance is one of the most important factors in Google search rankings‍. The average website takes around 8.6 seconds to load on mobile devices. The average page load speed among sites ranking on page one of Google is 1.65 seconds

Centralise Leads, Automate Finance, and Optimise Advertising Spend

This first-of-its-kind App Store is not just a collection of tools; it's a bespoke solution that acknowledges and celebrates the independent dealer. It's about levelling the playing field, offering cutting-edge resources that were once the exclusive domain of the big names.

When it comes to technological advancements and digital tools, independents frequently find themselves on the outside looking in, sidelined by solutions that cater primarily to the larger players. That era is now over

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